My Plans, Not His.

A nurse, a teacher, a historian, a journalist... Each of these was something I decided I wanted to be. Throughout high school I struggled with just exactly what it was that the Lord wanted me to be. In about the 11th grade I became fascinated with the subject of the Civil War, I decided I would major in history or Civil War history. I would spend my life educating people on the true cause of the war and prove that my side was in the right. (refer to my other blog for my opinions on the war).
I even researched and wanted to go to Gettysburg College; I also found a college in WV that had an actual Civil War major. When my parents advised me not to live on a secular campus, and through other circumstances I gave up on that career. I went through some other fazes as well.
I finally decided that I would go to Crown College and become a teacher, I even went and took a tour and filled out my application. Shortly after, someone agreed to pay for me to go to a local community college in the town where I live. I hate waiting, but it made sense for me to get some core stuff for a cheaper price and transfer to Crown later so I did that. I took two semesters at the community college and changed my mind about Crown. I then wanted to go to Pensacola Christian College, even though my parents were hesitant they finally agreed. The interesting thing was, once they agreed, I no longer had peace about it.
I think the very day after they had decided to let me go to PCC I was sitting at work and Dad called me, he was calling to tell me that an evangelist friend of his had called and asked me to travel with his family and help home school their 4 boys. Needless to say, PCC went out the window. This girl LOVES to travel and this adventure was right up my ally. I traveled with them for a few months while working in a Bible certificate, met my now fiance while I was with them, and then went home and continued with my schooling. I graduated from Virginia Baptist College with my 1 year Bible certificate and now I am about to graduate from the community college with a degree in Business/Accounting.

Why did I spend all that time telling you this? Well first of all, I want you to notice something... look back at the beginning of  my story and you will see 1 letter repeated very often... the letter "I". I wanted to be a historian, I wanted to be a teacher, I I I I I... you know what you don't see a lot of? "The Lord led here" "The Lord wanted me to be"... I had a lot of plans, and the Lord did too. He finally showed me what He wanted when I got to travel. I met my fiance that I love very much, we are serving the Lord in my church together. The Lord can work in your life so much easier when you focus on HIM, not I!

Secondly, I know so so many people who are struggling with what the Lord wants them to do with their life. So I wanted to point out that:
1. God has a SPECIFIC purpose for every single human on the face of the earth, whether you obey His plan is up to you, but He still has it.
2. Don't spend all your time worrying about the big picture, follow the Lord in your every day life and all the pieces of the puzzle will fall together.
3. Don't be scared to take a leap of faith when God shows you something that seems beyond your capabilities. Where God guides, He provides. 

I had so many dreams and ideas for my life and most of them haven't turned out like I imagined they would. God's plan is far superior to our plans, follow Him.

"My dreams were like the seashells
That got caught in the ocean's tide
They just kept swirling 'round me
Without a place to hide

They were a handful of the shore
That I clutched up in my palm
I counted tiny grains of sand
And waited for the calm

Then storm waves came a crashing
And swept throughout my soul
With every single tide, they pulled
' Til I no longer had control

But that's what God had wanted
My life, on outstretched hand
My stubborn will surrendered
So He could reveal His plan

We each have a special purpose
A perfect place for us to be
But we will fail to ever see it
When we only think of "Me"- MM/ MC


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