Do you really care?

Recently I have been thinking about how girls interact with one another and do you know what I have noticed? Girls, are especially prone towards being competitive, or almost "catty" with each other. We judge our bodies with one another. We use social media as a platform to hate on each other and talk trash. We waste all of our precious time worrying about what others think that we don't reach out to others.
How about we spend out time being compassionate.

When someone misuses you, be kind back. When someone says something nasty about you, find someone to be a blessing to. When you are mad at some one, grit your teeth, keep your fingers away from your phone keyboard and do something productive.
We girls need to be examples of Christ-like kindness to one another. Trashing someone else, in order to validate your own life, is not the answer to anything.

How many times a day do you ask the question "How are you?" to someone and then actually listened to what they said back? Has someone ever told you they have been having a rough time and you didn't even bother to ask them about it?

A lot of times we, (yes I am including me) get so caught up in our own problems that we over look others who are suffering. There are so many ladies who are going through things that we can't even imagine because they are wearing a smile on their face. When you write them with a sorrowful heart, they are the first to write you back with encouragement. Yes, you probably have problems, and they are real problems to you, but when is the last time you looked beyond your own problems and reached out to someone else?

Sympathy- feeling sorry for someone.
Compassion- doing something about it.

Anyone can have sympathy, in fact a lot of people do. Sympathy is knowing someone has a need and feeling sorry for them, but moving on with your life.
Compassion is knowing someone has a need and doing something about it.

What I am trying to get across, in this very jumbled way, is that we need to care about each other! We need to have compassion! You realize that EVERY SINGLE PERSON you run across today is fighting a battle, struggling with something, has a sickness she doesn't talk about, etc.

Trust me, at the end of your life the time you spent in self pity, you will view as a terrible waste.
The time you spent loving and caring for others you will realize was a great use of your time.


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