Feminine, not Feminist.

I have considered doing this post for quite a while, but I think now is the appropriate time.

First of all, let me present this question to you... What is the role of women? If you look at the women of our country, you will mainly find two different view points. 1. The Feminist Movement (refer to the recent march) 2. The Lady movement.
The definition of feminism is "the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes."
The definition of a woman's role according to the Bible is women are "To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed." (Titus 2:5)
Now you will find a mixture of both view points, there are some woman who are Christians or not, but also have a dash of the feminist movement in them.

When looking into the Feminism movement, I found their first meetings was in 1848 and at that point in history they advocated: abolition, temperance and social purity. (Now there are a few issues I can support).
Today, feminism supports: abortion (including Medicaid funding and minor accessibility), gay/lesbian rights, and equal pay, etc. (resource: http://www.feminist.org/welcome/mandp.asp)
I am for equal pay for equal work, however I can not support the other issues.

First of all, some of their views are hypocritical. The definition of feminism states that want equality among the sexes, but they are also strongly for abortion. Last time I checked, each baby has a gender, each baby has a brain, a heart, and are "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….”
If they were really for equality they wouldn't believe in the MURDER of millions of helpless babies. And yes, I do mean murder. Life begins at conception, if you choose to believe otherwise to sooth your conscience that is your choice.

Secondly, where did we ever change from being largely God-fearing woman who wants a socially purse society, free from alcohol and slavery (which can be one in the same), to marching topless on the streets proclaiming there is no God and wanting to kill helpless babies?

I think this issue stems from a couple different places:
First of all in the 40's/50's during WWII women had to go to work because their men were away fighting the in the war, so someone had to do it. More power to them! However, when their men return home, a large majority didn't want to go back to their homes, they stayed in their jobs and put many men out of work. I believe this is where the social down fall began. Do I think women shouldn't work period? No, I'm not saying that because I have a job myself, however your home and children are your first priority. When I have my own family, I intend to stay at home with them and school them myself.

Secondly, we have generations of women who hate men and think they are BETTER than them. Now let me set this straight, no one is superior to anyone else, but God has designed us for different roles. Women are to be under the leadership of their husband (if you are married).

And thirdly, there are women, even Christian women, who think it is not good enough, or admirable enough, to be a stay at home mom/home-maker. The view point is that if you want to be a woman who stays at home you are "settling". Ladies! Let's get this straight, God designed you to be a nurturing person, who is literally made to take care of a family. Why do you think women are the only ones who can conceive? Men are not made to be motherly. If you think that being someone who is a "keeper at home" is not good enough for you, you are the one settling for less than God's best.  You may say "Not everyone has the same dreams and aspirations", and this is true, I have my own dreams... but I didn't set up the role for women, God did. If you don't like His standards, take it up with Him. You will find that even if women have changed, God hasn't.

Ladies/Girls/Women, who are reading this. Let's rethink who we are standing with on these issues. Are you letting your beliefs come from the world or God?
And for you girls out there who just want to be wives and mothers, don't let anyone tell you that you are "settling", no, you are fulfilling a large part of your calling as a woman.  If you can't have children for some reason, or you aren't married yet I totally understand that. I think it is perfectly fine in that situation to pursue a career. Also, it's ok to have individual goals/dreams, you don't have to give up those things either, just keep your families as your first priority.

If you were to ask me what I think of Feminism, I would tell you I don't agree. However, I am 100% behind being "Feminine" ( having qualities or appearance traditionally associated with women, especially delicacy and prettiness).
Let us be Feminine, not feminists.


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