Grow Towards the Light

Recently, I was watering/taking care of my little house plants (I have recently turned into a crazy plant lady) and I noticed something about them. They usually sit on the kitchen table and the sunlight from the back door radiates on them. It doesn't matter what direction of have the plants the always grow towards the light, which causes me to have to turn them periodically. As you can see in the picture below it actually makes them grow sideways.

Anyway, when I noticed it, I ended up having a conversation with my Dad about it. I pointed out the way the plants were growing and basically I told him that my plant was growing towards the light and I made a comment about thinking that's how Christians should be... we should always be growing towards the Light. And I think that  my little "sweet mint" plant (pictured) is a good example of our Christian life. The Lord is constantly working on us and growing us towards the Light of Christ, and I think after He's worked on one area of our life for awhile, He has to shift us and work on another area until we are becoming more like Him in that area. Just like my plant has to be turned because it grows towards the light, the other side needs light as well, so it has to be turned.

Now, personal application... I'm not going to lie. I started out this year with a great new attitude and I was hopeful in my pursuit of "JOY", however some days I let myself get caught up in the daily grind.
How many people truly enjoy their Monday-Friday routine? I wake up and just don't even want to get out of bed because it means I have to go back to my routine. Sometimes while sitting at my usual spot, I have to pray for a good attitude because I'm letting my circumstances kill my joy... And just to clarify, I'm not talking about my marriage, honestly the best parts of my day are before he leaves for work and when I get home from work and we get to be together. :) I am talking about the daily stuff we all wish we didn't have to do.

I'm really struggling in the area of having so many things I wish I could do, but how can I make these dreams a reality? The struggle is real... however I mostly need to be focusing on growing towards Christ. Maybe this time in my life is just another time where He's having to turn and shift my focus towards Him. HIS goals for me, HIS desires for me, HIS plan.
When you get bogged down in the daily grind, look towards Christ, and focus on growing to be more like the Light.


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